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Vormsund Golf Hotel has 17rooms spread over 12 double rooms 5 single rooms 1 suite and 3 mini suite.

Vormsund Golf Hotel is a place where you spend the night in connection with events of different kinds, or you will perform work assignments in the area for a shorter or longer period of time.
We have a very cost-effective way to operate the hotel and therefore can offer nice prices.
All rooms have access to wireless broadband included in the price

Price Lists
Single room NOK 1.090,00 pr. day incl. breakfast
Double room NOK 695,00 pr. person per day incl. breakfast.
Minisuite NOK 695,00 pr. person per day incl. breakfast
Suite NOK 795,00 pr. person per day incl. breakfast
Extra bed NOK 400,00 per day and night

For bookings of several rooms or for extended periods we will be able to arrange nice discounts.

Contact us to make an appointment by phone 63 90 90 40 or mail: post@golfhotell.no

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